3 Ways to Integrate Your Temporary Staff into the Workforce

Adding temporary workers to your team doesn’t always go seamlessly. In some cases, your permanent employees might not be overly receptive, or the short-term staff members might be nervous about interacting with your long-term team. When this occurs, the two groups don’t completely mesh. This can hinder productivity and harm morale, essentially creating a pair of employee silos.

Luckily, there are things you can do to integrate your temporary staff into your workforce successfully. Here are three tips to get you started.

1. Speak with Your Permanent Employees

Managers don’t always clue their staff in regarding why the temporary workers are being introduced into the workforce. This can cause tensions to rise among your existing team and may make them suspicious of your and the short-term employee’s intentions. Additionally, they may have trouble understanding how the contract worker fits into the bigger picture, leaving them confused or generally uncertain about how this paradigm should function.

If you want to avoid these scenarios, take a moment to explain why your company is bringing in temporary workers. This allows your team to see the potential benefits and ask questions about how the workplace dynamic is shifting. Plus, it gives you a platform to set any expectations you may have regarding their tasks or attitudes, reducing the level of confusion further.

2. Onboard Your Temporary Workers

The onboarding process introduces new hires to your work environment, their team, and the expectations you may have regarding their duties or performance. However, many companies fail to formally onboard short-term employees, leaving them to mostly fend for themselves.

Having a formal process (even a truncated one) for onboarding contract employees ensures they have a strong foundation when they arrive. This can bolster their chances of success by guaranteeing that they have all the information they need to thrive. Plus, you can use that time to formally introduce them to the rest of their team, breaking the ice gently and giving everyone a chance to acclimate.

3. Include Your Short-Term Employee

Your permanent staff likely takes cues from you regarding how temporary workers should be treated and how they fit into the workplace. If you want to fully integrate them into your team, then you need to try to include the contract employee as often as possible.

Invite them into relevant meetings and encourage them to contribute. Always treat short-term hires with respect and professionalism. Engage with them regularly, including on a semi-casual level. As you interact more with your temporary workers, your team will feel more comfortable doing so as well.

By following the tips above, you can successfully integrate your temporary staff into your workforce. If you’d like to know more or are looking for skilled professionals to fill short-term positions, the team at Apogee Managed Solutions can help. Contact us to speak with one of our experienced staff members today and see how our expertise can benefit you.


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