Why It’s Important to Outsource Functions to a Managed Service Provider

Overseeing a workforce comes with challenges. Recruitment is crucial, but it’s also a time-consuming process, particularly if you want to do it effectively. Couple that with onboarding, training, performance management, payroll, benefits administration, taxation, and various compliance-related requirements, and it can be more than many companies can effectively shoulder.

By using a managed service provider (MSP) for your workforce needs, you can alleviate much of the burden of overseeing personnel. Plus, you’ll experience cost savings and risk reduction, all while achieving a level of workforce agility you can’t find otherwise. If you are wondering why it’s important to outsource functions to an MSP, here’s what you need to know.

Risk Mitigation

Hiring carries with it an innate level of risk. Compliance issues can carry heavy penalties. Additionally, workers’ compensation and unemployment costs can be significant burdens, particularly if you have seasonal hiring needs and rely on a contingent workforce during peak periods.

By working with an MSP, you can mitigate these risks. The MSP will take on many of those burdens, all while ensuring compliance.


Recruiting is a costly process. There are direct financial burdens, including advertising openings, conducting screenings, and similar steps. Additionally, the time spent managing these tasks can lead to a loss, as it takes managers away from profit-driving activities.

By working with an MSP, you can reduce the financial burden of recruiting. The MSP will handle all candidate acquisition and screening, ensuring you can focus on other critical responsibilities.

High-Quality Talent

MSPs cultivate vast talent pools brimming with exceptional candidates. They remain connected with active and passive job seekers, including those with in-demand, hard-to-find skills. Plus, if you need specialty capabilities, an MSP knows where to look to find the right candidate for your opening.

Every candidate is pre-screened, allowing the MSP to validate their experience and skill set. This also allows them to assess culture fit, only referring candidates who would thrive in your environment. The approach also saves time, as many early activities are handled well before the candidate is recommended to you.

Onboarding and Training

With an MSP, you never have to worry about managing onboarding or initial training for new hires. The MSP will take on those responsibilities, ensuring each incoming employee has all of the information they need to begin working in the position quickly and reach full productivity as fast as possible.

Performance Management

Ongoing performance monitoring is part of the package when you work with an MSP. The MSP will work with you to identify crucial KPIs, allowing them to track the performance of each new hire. This creates more opportunities to coach employees toward success, ensuring maximum productivity.

Ultimately, outsourcing functions to an MSP can be an excellent move. You’ll gain great efficiency, reduce risk, and capture cost-savings, all while accessing the highest quality candidates around.

If you’d like to learn more about what an MSP can do, the team at Apogee Managed Solutions wants to hear from you. Contact us today.

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